Despiau Bridges Exclusively at The Sound Post Ltd
Established in 1920, Despiau is a family business based in Gimont, France and is one of the world leaders in the production of bowed instrument bridges. The Sound Post Ltd is pleased to represent Despiau in the UK, Ireland & Scandinavia as the exclusive distributor.
‘It is not widely known, but the bridge provides 20% of the instrument’s acoustic output. Discretely and with humility, this little piece of wood can both glorify the genius of a beautiful instrument or indeed enhance the musicality of the most ordinary of instruments. In every case, it will play its part and write its own musical score in harmony with the instrument.’ Despiau Chevalets

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‘Why upgrade to a C grade Despiau bridge for your bowed string instrument?’ Nicolas Despiau. CEO Despiau Chevalets.
V10 Violin Bridge
V10AT A Grade 38 39 40 41 41.5 42 H/L
V10BT B Grade 38 39 40 41 41.5 42 43 H/L
V10CT C Grade 38 39 40 41 42 43 L
V11 Despiau Violin Bridge
V11AT A Grade 36 38 40 41 41.5 42 43 44 High/Low
V11BT B Grade 36 38 41 41.5 42 43 44 Low
V11CT C Grade 26 29 32 36 38 41 41.5 42 44 Low
Also available in the Planet Range V11PAT A Grade 41 41.5 42 Med/Low (see Planet Bridges below)
A11AT Viola Bridge
A11AT A11 A Grade 42 46 48 50 52 High & Low Heart
A11BT A11 B Grade 46 48 50 52 Med
A11CT A11 C Grade 46 48 50 52 Med
Also available in the Planet Range A11PAT A Grade 48 Med (see below for Planet Bridges)
QA/VB7AT Baroque Bridge
QVB7AT Violin A Quality Stradivari Model 40 41 41.5 42
QAB7AT Viola A Quality Baroque Model 46 48 49
QVB5AT Baroque Bridge
QCB11AT A Quality Baroque 92 96
QCB1AT A Quality Baroque 94 96
QCB3AT A Quality Baroque 90 94
QCG3AT Bass A Gamba Model 90
QCB4AT A Quality Baroque 88 90
Despiau C02 Cello
C02AT Cello 4/4 C2 A Grade 88 90 92 100 High/Low
C02CT Cello 4/4 C2 C Grade 90 Low
Despiau C03 Cello
C03AT Cello 4/4 C3 A Grade 88 90 92 94 96 98 100
C03BT Cello 4/4 C3 B Grade 90 92 94 96 100
C03CT Cello C3 C Grade 84 88 90
Also available in the Planet Range C3PATM A Grade 90/92 Med (see Planet Bridges below)
Despiau C08 Cello
C08AT C8 A 90 92 94 96 High/Low
C08BT Cello 4/4 C8 B Grade 90 92
C08CT Cello 4/4 C8 C Grade 90 92
Despiau C09 Cello
C09AT Cello C9 A Grade 82 88 90 92
C09BT 4/4 C9 B Grade 90 92
C09CT 4/4 C9 C Grade 90 92 98 100
C09DT Cello 4/4 C9 D Grade 4/4-1/8
Also available in the Planet Range C9PATM A Grade 90/92 Med (see Planet Bridges below)
Despiau Double Bass
B01CT CT1 150 158 165
B02CT CT2 150
B06AT B06 145 150 158 165
Also available in the Planet Range B06PATM/B06PBTM 150 Med (see Planet Bridges below)
B06BT B06 145 150 158 165
B06CT CT6 115 130 138 150 158 165
B07AT CT7 150 158 165
B07CT CT7 150
B12CT CT12 C Grade 150 158 165
B56CTCT56 C Grade 158
Despiau Planet Bridges
A large number of otherwise perfect maples are rejected because of some distinctive feature which has no bearing on acoustic quality. From these observations, Despiau Planet was born.
Despiau Planet Bridges are A Grade quality and have been scientifically proven to have the same acoustic properties and strength as the standard A Grade bridges, but with less impact to the environment.
Despiau Planet Bridges
Planet Violin V11PAT 41 41.5 42 M/L
Planet Viola A11PATM 48
Planet Cello C03PATM 90 92
Planet Cello C09PATM 90 92
Planet Bass B6PATM-150 B6PBTM-150
Planet Bass B2PATL-150
Despiau Planet Bridges
Despiau Planet offers musicians a dual opportunity to positively impact the planet. Firstly, because the wood is chosen using only acoustic and not aesthetic criteria, fewer trees need to be cut down. Secondly, a portion of every Despiau Planet sale goes to Alliance International, an organization of bow and violin makers committed to preserving hardwood forests.

The Sound Post Limited, Jocelyn House, 2d Newopaul Way, Warminster, Wiltshire, BA12 8RY, UK. Registered in England No. 03100243.
T: +44 0 1985 851122
F: +44 0 1985 851188