Welcome to our 2024/2025 Online Catalogue
The Sound Post Ltd United Kingdom. We are trade distributors of the violin family of orchestral bowed string instruments and associated accessories. Suppliers to the United Kingdom music retail sector, we also distribute worldwide and are the exclusive UK distributors for Larsen Strings of Denmark, Chevalets Despiau of France and BAM Cases of France.
Should you wish to find out about availability, try out an instrument or make a purchase then please contact your local music shop and/or chosen online retailer for further details.
Our latest 2024/25 catalogue is available to view online please follow this link Download 2024/2025 Catalogue
If you would like a login to our online order system please contact us.
Please note: We are wholesale distributors and do not provide retail services.

Student, intermediate and professional violins by Primavera, Eastman Strings, Heritage and Wessex
Smaller student sizes up to full size violas for the progressing standard up to professional instruments.
Cello outfits and instruments both for school and college and catering for all levels up to performance standard.
Double Bass
Upright bass for students in 1/10 to 3/4 up to professional 3/4 size hand finished by Eastman Strings.
Violin, viola, cello and bass bows by Primavera, Rainbow, Westbury, Orchestra, Arcus, Musing and Finkel
Bowed string instrument cases and bags from Primavera, Westbury, BAM, GSJ, Young, and Sinfonica.
Violin, viola, cello and bass strings from Larsen, Pirastro, Jargar, D’Addario, Astrea, Corelli, Hill, Optima and Prim.
Bridges, chinrests, fittings, pegs, rosins, shoulder rests, tailpieces, teaching, wood and general accessories.
Our Range of Brands
…Specialist Distributors of Bowed String Instruments
Our Latest News
…Updates from The Sound Post Ltd, United Kingdom
Tertis and Aronowitz International Viola Competitions – Trade Fair
New Bam Rocks Hightech Case
New Original Bam Hightech Rocks Case Coming soon to the UK
Christmas Trading Days
Merry Christmas from The Sound Post Ltd. Our Christmas Trading Days are: Last day of despatch Friday 20th December We will re-open on Thursday 2nd January We would like to wish all of our customers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
New 2024/25 Catalogue
We will be sending out our brand new 2024/25 catalogue this week. The latest catalogue PDF can be downloaded from our website Download 2024/25 new catalogue
New Bam French Flag Cases
New bam French Flag Cases now available from The Sound Post Ltd. The Hightech cases are available for Violin, Viola & Cello.
New Kun Seven
The New Kun Seven VA019-4/4 Coming soon – available to back order Features a patented coupling tool and bendable pad to ensure maximum customisation. Offset forks and innovative bridge ratchet ensures maximum grip. Minimal contact and lightweight materials ensures...
The Sound Post Limited, Jocelyn House, 2d Newopaul Way, Warminster, Wiltshire, BA12 8RY, UK. Registered in England No. 03100243.
T: +44 0 1985 851122
F: +44 0 1985 851188